2024 ELGI Autumn Events


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21st October 2024
21st – 22nd October 2024
21st – 22nd October 2024
23rd -24th October 2024
ELGI Working Group Meetings
ELGI Advanced Education Course
ELGI Sustainability Technical Consortium
ELGI-STLE Tribology Exchange Workshop


New ELGI office: Malietoren –  Bezuidenhoutseweg 10 – The Hague / The Netherlands

Parking is free at ELGI office however no reserved parking! In case there is no space other parking facilities are just across the street.

Hotel reservations have been made at:
Babylon Hotel The Hague, Bezuidenhoutseweg 53 – The Hague, / The Netherlands

The hotel is situated just 5 minutes walk from the new ELGI-office (30 minutes by train from Schiphol Airport / get off at Den Haag Central station)
Contact:  (Reservations & Banquet Sales Coordinator) (T) +31 70 381 49 01 / Ms Marloes van Deventer / Meetings.Babylon@edenhotels.nl

Hotel Reservation Terms & Conditions

  • We have arranged a special rate € 170.00 single room / € 185.00 from Sunday 20th until Thursday 24th October 2024 which includes breakfast, excludes € 6.00 City Tax per person per night
  • The Hotel room reservation is available: Book your group rate for ELGI / cut off date is 27th September, 2024!
  • Do book accommodation on time as the hotel is very busy during this time. Other hotels at least 10 minutes by taxi.

Standard Terms and Conditions Apply

  • The hotel rooms are reserved from 15.00 hours upon arrival until 12.00 hours on the day of departure. 
  • Rooms are guaranteed with a valid credit card. 
  • Delegates must settle their own hotel bills & expenses on departure.
  • Cancellation Policy: Room cancellation policy is in line with the terms and conditions of the Babylon Hotel
  • No-show: In case of no show the full costs will be charged to your credit card.
  • The ELGI is not responsible for any individual cancellation or any final individual “extra” charges.

ELGI Working Group Meetings

Programme Information

08:30 – 09:45
09:45 – 11:45
11:45 – 11:55
11:55 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:45
14:45 – 16:30
Grease Particle Evaluation WG
Bio-Base Greases WG
Discussion & Launch New WG(s)
Lunch Break
Test Methods WG
Food Grade Lubricants WG

Attendance Fee
Free for ELGI members
Non-Members: 100€

Delegates should register their attendance to the WG Meetings https://www.elgi.org/events/event-registration/

Coffee Breaks & Lunch will be provided

ELGI Advanced Education Course

Attendance Fee
ELGI & STLE Member: 650€
Non-Members: 800€

Delegates should register their attendance by completing the registration form https://www.elgi.org/events/event-registration/

  • Grease Training & Course Material
  • Coffee Breaks Monday & Tuesday
  • Pub Quiz Monday 21st October 17:30
  • Dinner buffet provided for Grease Course Attendees on Monday 21st  
  • Lunch Tuesday

Sustainability Technical Consortium (ELGISTC)

Delegates should register their attendance by completing the registration form : https://www.elgi.org/events/event-registration/

Monday 21st October 2024

TF 4
TF 5
Dinner at Babylon hotel        

   Tuesday 22nd October 2024

TF 2
TF 3
TF 1
General Assembly
End of meeting

ELGI-STLE Tribology Exchange Workshop

Programme Information

Attendance Fee (€)   
ELGI & STLE Members                     € 500,00
Non-Members                                    € 625,00

Delegates should register their attendance by completing the registration form https://www.elgi.org/events/event-registration/

The registration fee (€) per delegate includes:

  • Tribology Training & Course Material
  • Coffee Breaks & Lunch will be provided
  • Pub Quiz Wednesday 23rd October 18:00
  • Dinner provided for Workshop Attendees Wednesday 23rd October

Organisational Information & Contacts:
Jacqueline Bosman: (M): +31 617 36 1962  jbosman@elgi.org     www.elgi.org

For Technical Information:
Grease Course: Leandro Muntada: lmuntada@brugarolas.com

ELGI Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations 3 weeks prior to the Autumn Event, a penalty up to 40% will be charged for administration costs.

Do reserve your private dinners on time!!!


  • Mauritsmuseum (national treasures side by side)
  • City centre of The Hague within walking distance
  • Binnenhof (political heart of the Netherlands)
  • Palace Noordeinde (Royal The Hague)
  • Shopping in the city centre of The Hague (Go Hip or Go Chic)


Stroll through Malieveld (across the hotel). Malieveld is located in the Haagse bos (the Hague forest), a historic place in the heart of The Hague. It is known for national demonstrations and legendary open-air concerts by world famous artists. But also for the annual circuses and other large scale events.

European Lubricating Grease Institute
‘De Malietoren’
Bezuidenhoutseweg 12
The Netherlands